Survivors & Friends



I am the mother of an abused child. The disclosure took place in 1993, when she told about her dad-my husband. It was a very frightening time in our lives. We have spent the last 6 1/2 years in counseling, dad and daughter, mother and daughter, brother and sister, mother and father, family and most […]

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We are all unique individuals. No two people’s stories, reactions, pain, or recovery will be exactly the same. However, there are many things we do share in the recovery process. Get to know the survivor in your life and allow them to guide you as they walk through this painful, yet very rewarding and life-changing […]

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Pretend that you are 75 years old and that you are writing a letter of advice to yourself on how to live your remaining years with meaning, value and significance. This was an assignment presented by my therapist to the support group that I was part of last year. The following list is a combination […]

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